In the book entitled Prendre soin de la jeunesse et des générations (Take Care of the Youth and of Future Generations), Bernard Stiegler describes the importance of care on a global scale: everyone has the responsibility to preserve collective social and political life. The book states that digital technology can offer the possibility of reinventing collective intelligence. The collective group is presented as that which can restore our hope in the future, opening up education between peers, and allowing the creation and dissemination of new knowledge.
The Parenting, care, and the digital research axis is an initiative seeking to investigate the effects of digital technology on our daily lives, our families, social lives, health, and futures. The research also aims to find possible solutions to screen overexposure and its effects on the development of young children in Seine-Saint-Denis. Scientific studies demonstrate the toxic effects of screen overexposure (smartphones, tablets, computers, television) among very young children aged 0-3, including delays in language, learning, motor skills, as well as the development of behavioral disorders. This research addresses health professionals, to facilitate insights for them to help families and parents. These efforts assist with reconnecting parents with their children, raising awareness among other parents, and developing actions and projects on the territory.